Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Deep Conditioning

Winter time can put a toll on your hair. The dry, cold air just sucks the moisture right out of your hair & makes it look/feel dry, frizzy & brintle. Using styling tools as well as wearing hats & scarfs don't help either. The best way to replenish lost moisture is to do a weekly deep conditioning treatment!

Each strand of hair has 3 layers; deep conditioning affects the outer layer called the cuticle. The cuticle resembles shingles on a roof, overlaping each other & laying down flat. When hair becomes dry & damaged, the shingles will stand up. That gives the hair a dull, frizzy look.

Deep conditioning the proper way & using the right products will help smooth out the cuticle, making the shingles lay down. This gives your hair a smoother, shinier, healthier appearance!

Note: deep conditions cannot heal damaged hair or improve the quality of new hair; it is not a cure. It can minimize any damage done, restore shine, add strength to hair until the damages hair grows long enough to be cut off, & even makes hair manageable. The only TRUE way to cure damaged hair it to cut it off.
Facts found here

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

It's the weekend of love & chocolate! Hope you all have fun plans for the day! Now don't be too upset about all of the chocolate you'll be eating; chocolate isn't bad for us. New research has been shown that chocolate can be part of a healthy diet!

Myth: Chocolate is high in caffeine.
Eating chocolate may perk you up, it actually is not very high in caffeine. A 1.4 ounce chocolate bar or 8 ounce glass of chocolate milk both contain 6 mg of caffeine. That's the same amount as a cup of decaffeinated coffee.

Myth: Chocolate is bad for your cholesterol.
Fact: Research has shown that stearic acid, the main saturated fat found in milk chocolate, doesn't raise ol levels the same way that other types of saturated fats do. In fact, eating a 1.4 ounce chocolate bar instead of a carbohyfrated-rich snack can increase HDL (good) cholesterol.

Myth: Chocolate lacks any mutritional value.
Fact: Chocolate is a good source of magnesium, copper, iron, & zinc. It also contains antioxidants that are found in tea & red wine that decrease risk of coronary disease. A daily serving of dark chocolate helps lower blood pressure & improve insulin resistance according to a joint study between Tufts Unicersity in Boston & the Unicersity of L'Aquila in Italy.

Myth: Chocolate cause cavities.
Fact: Candy alone is not responsible for cavities. They are formed when bacteria in the mouth metabolize sugars & starches from any type of food.

Myth: Chocolate causes acme.
Fact: Eating chocolate all day everyday for months will definitely give you acne. Eating unhealthy, greasy foods on a regular bacis will give you acne. Chocolate every now & than will not give you acne.

Chocolate's bad reputation is slowly changing & research now shows that chocolate can be a part of an overall healthy lifestyle; when in moderation!